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Agenzia Nazionale Politiche Attive del Lavoro European Commission

First German Language MOOC available online for YfEj candidates

Your first EURES job, among the various support activities, provides for the possibility for candidates to participate in online training courses through the MOOC - Massive online open courses. 
The courses are provided by the British partner Future Learn through Open University.
For vacancy applicants run under YfEJ, the project allows free vouchers to be awarded for certification of courses taken. The procedure is managed through the advisers who follow the candidates.
Future Learn will realize two German language courses specifically for the project.
The first course is available online. 
You can view the course description page here:
The course has a duration of 4 weeks, 5 hours per week, and it is designed for people who already know some German. 

YFEJ Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale
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